Thursday, March 19, 2020

buy custom Quality in an Age of Accountability essay

buy custom Quality in an Age of Accountability essay Should educators teach to the standards from national groups such as national technology or content standards? For teachers to teach effectively and professionally, education technology standards are the roadmap especially in this digital era. Being literate is crucial in this digital world and technological advances in a globalized society call for a highly skilled labor. This shows that technology is changing our society and therefore educators need to change their teaching skills and behaviors. These educators need to provide a learning environment that will take students into a world of opportunities away from their classrooms. Educational standards apply to a content area and the skills required for students to be competitive and successful in a global world need to be addressed. In your state, do the states NCLB tests demonstrate student achievement toward content standards? The state is required to administer tests in language arts and mathematics in grade 3-8 yearly and grade 10-12 at least once. The law requires that the assessments be aligned with state content standards. Performance of students is measured against the state content standards and reported in proficiency levels. The assessments involves multiple student achievement which are designed to report valid score analyses. The state education agencies are to identify content standards and use them to interpret student performance that is designed to meet NCLB proficiency requirements. We should also know that NCLB has the potential to be a better catalyst in giving punitive testing programs. Areas that need further investigation need to be looked at closely and understand the impact of NCLB in the process of student learning. How should teachers/educators be held accountable for student learning? Teachers are responsible to finding ways to educate students and a students score will reflect the teacherseffort. A distal use scores should pertain to sanctions against educators based on students performance on the NCLB tests. An argument that can be put across is that the people who develop this kind of sanctions need to collect evidence to support the use of a student performance to hold the concerned teachers accountable. Teachers may also be subjected to tests and a situation like this may require that developers and users enter into a ZNR to negotiate respective roles to determine best policy on education progress. How should administrators and managers evaluate the effectiveness of instruction for learner/student achievement relative to national standards? Managers can evaluate teacher by personal reflection to the state standards and the performance of students. This is based on an author ought to experience as a teacher in each state. Students should be accountable in whatever they do. But the main issue to effective teaching is whether students do what they are taught to do. The use of standardized tests should be used. Authentic assessments like in labs, essays, solving problems should be put into a students portfolio to give an accurate picture of what the students are taught. Teachers should start their lesson by starting with objectives and state the students work and at the end of the lesson, the student alone is able to do an objective whether the teacher has been effective (Srimai, et al). If you are outside of the school system, how should learning be measured in your organization? Unlike the school system, organizational learning is measured differently. Organizational learning involves all those activities like acquisition, application and mastery of new tools that allow improved processes that are critical to the organizations success. Organization learning enables faster process leaning. In defining a supportive culture for the organization, it is important to advocate chaallenging work, open communication and cohesion among employees. An organizations development model is used to measure the relationship of a supportive culture and such principles like TQM. The model is used to measure the relationship between learning organization and its impact on employee motivation. Therefore, organizations that implement TQM principles are associated with high levels of learning. It is important to measure relationship between a learning organization and a supportive organization culture. This means that learning occurs when executives are performing in a supportive o rganizational culture. Lastly, the learning in an organization will be reflected with higher levels of motivation in performing their chores (Pool, S.W.). How can you measure the success of a training or presentation? Presenters can set goals, develop personal speaking skills and look beyond traditional feedback tools to judge whether their efforts accomplish what they intended during a presentation. When people prepare for a presentation they should start with a measurable goal. Presentation comes with some objectives and it is important to identify the main reason for the presentation. It is important to state the main purpose. Another measure is by use of question feedback sheet. It is important to take a good look at the questions and ask if they are going to ask the right questions and if they will provide answers needed for judgment. It is also important to develop criteria and define personal presenting goals. It is also good to use passion to personally judge how the presentation is. Feedback is important in identifying problem areas. What qualitative measures can be used? Some of the quantitative measures used in measuring the successes of training include use of a question feedback sheet which contains questions. Another measure is the use of a measurable goal which contains the main presentation goals with its own objectives. Buy custom Quality in an Age of Accountability essay

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